Friday, October 18, 2019

Media Production - This is England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Media Production - This is England - Essay Example The continuous whisper of ‘war’, soulful blast, and meaningless foreign conflict, which are undertaken for hidden desires and the obscured racism, are a clear reminder of England’s past (Brussat 2013) Location This Is England was entirely filmed in the East Midlands, an irregular landscape of flatlands and estate buildings with poor infrastructure development. Most of the movie’s shooting was done in the residential areas at Nottingham, Lenton, and some parts of St Ann’s. Meadow’s movie production history demonstrates the utilization of countryside region to form spectacular film background. Similarly, Meadow’s in his movie â€Å"This Is England† concentrates much on the countryside as part of the flat landscape, which portrays much of unemployment and few chances of self-development. This environment gives the viewer a chance to meet Shane Meadow’s in his boyhood age of twelve years whose father perishes in the war agains t Argentina (Goldsmith 2006) Themes The death of Shaun father leaves him exposed to tyrants in the streets and school compound whereby one moment a garrulous skinhead schoolmate takes him off course. The fact that Shaun kept his own counsel worsens his anger making it tough for him to get well with other boys, which leads to a lonely self-life in the firsts scenes of the movie. With time, Shaun finds unusual friends who have no taste for education and spent most of their time in criminal activities such as excessive drinking and street fights. Shaun gets a strange haircut to please the gang of skinheads that was much focused on racial antagonism. Fortunately, a conflict arises over the leadership of the gang leading the head of the gang, Woody, to split. Combo an ex-convict takes the readership of the opposing group that seemed to possess racism. The arrival of Combo from prison changes the plot whereby Combo’s numerous fights with blacks in jail led to his acquisition of bel ligerency experience. Combo’s comeback draws boundaries in the gang’s union whereby he challenges the skinheads led by Woody to guard England against external influence and encourages Milky to behave more like an Englishman and not just like a Jamaican (IMDb 2007). During the leadership struggle of the gang, Shaun turns on the side of Combo with a conviction that his father did not die in vain after, which he is trained on combat as well as survival for the fittest techniques. Considerably, â€Å"This Is England† title of the movie and Combo’s entreaty reveal the actual nature of England’s politics and cultural background. A great embrace of English heritage, as brought out by the Combo, shows a sense of social purity and racism. On the other hand, the viewer is able to view England that is struggling to be recognized as being in a mixed state and assimilated by colonial influences, which erode the native English culture and mix it with that of the irs (Goldsmith 2006). However, Meadow’s plot concentrates on the theme where the struggle for heritage gives birth to racism. In a later scene, national front meeting attended by British farmers and factory workers is clandestinely arranged behind a pub, which becomes one of the most scaring parts of the film that is full of engraved terror on what would be the next scene (French 2006) The spilt gang leaders, Combo and Woody, are able to care for honest and bullying skinhead boy under their reign.  

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